Step Above

Step Above


This set includes care cards, certificates of authenticity and a proof box. Care Cards: A handsome pair of folding 5 x 5 cards makes a great accompaniment to your deliverables. Each card has detailed and easy-to-understand instructions on caring for a DVD or USB thumb drive of delivered images. The instruction sets are informed by professional museum archivists. Clean, professional layout coupled with intricate collaged layouts compliments many branding styles. Certificates of Authenticity: Adding a certificate of authenticity to any product you deliver truly increases its value and professionalism. The certificate elevates your work to a level of fine art while preventing counterfeit copies to be distributed. Included are 3 certificate designs with official legal wording. If you would like a higher degree of protection on your work and its copyrights, please see a local lawyer to help you add clauses as needed! Proof Box: A beautiful way to present proofs to your clients! Inspired by stories of Scottish knights leaving their lady with a token thistle as they rode off to battle. Light, airy, and easy to personalize! Includes 2 designs for boxes holding 100-250 prints and 250 prints.

Photo Credit: Maria Mack Photography


Software Compatibility: 
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop Elements
File Format: 
Product Dimensions: 

Care Cards - 5" x 5"

Certificate of Authenticity - 5" x 5" & 5" x 7"

Proof Box - 100 prints 14.5" x 9.5"

or 250 prints 16" x 9.5"

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