Vintage Bouquet I

Vintage Bouquet I


Have you been dreaming of romantic, colorful florals to adorn your branding, albums, and web media? Look no further... we've curated a delicious selection of 10 fantastic flowers scanned from rare botanical books, some hundreds of years old! Each flower is painstakingly cut out for use on anything you can imagine. Our super-high resolution images will print beautifully in large albums. Treat yourself and your clients to some lovely design elements!


  • 10 vintage and antique floral elements for your designing pleasure!
  • Each element is placed on a separate layer in a single file for ease of use
  • Elements are provided in high-resolution format for printing
  • Extremely versatile for use in a variety of products
  • Elements may be scaled down for use on Facebook and blogs
  • Unique, eye-catching designs look beautiful in a variety of media
  • .PSD file format to be opened in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements


Software Compatibility: 
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop Elements
File Format: 
Product Dimensions: 

Sized for high-resolution print

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